Naked Coffee by the Woodstove
Orgasmic Horoscopes

Phenomenal Naked Coffee by the Woodstove

Lesliecometome Last weekend I began training in Phenomenal Touch Massage, developed by Leslie Bruder, pictured here in one of the classic PT Moves. The Five level year long course is taught in Maine by my very own local friend and brother, Jeffrey Chaplin, and the extraordinary Michelle Helms of Northwest Vermont. This work is so new that there are only 60 or so certified practitioners world wide, and only seven certified teachers. I am blown over by the blessing that my massage therapist is one of the teachers, and Midcoast Maine: Hope, Camden, Rockland (and Auburn, inland) are the next hub of Phenomenal Touch Practitioners.

I just received the Level 1 instructional DVD feature Leslie demonstrating the moves we learned. I am weeping so profusely that I have to move my computer back so I don't short it out. What is it about this work that is so moving? My intention for taking just Level 1 was to give myself some specific touch training and body mechanics training to use in the hands on ceremonies that make up Orgasmic Alchemy healing.

To my surprise, I am in a cauldron bubbling with emotion, deep movement of personal healing, exploration of medicine gifts wider and greater that I imagined possible. All of it serving to make me more available to myself, and thus more available to others who seek my assistance. Awesome. I am on my knees in gratitude. I am amazed. And I am going forward with the other levels of training.

And dear friends, arriving this morning for Naked Coffee round the woodstove,  I am feeling naked indeed. Completely bare souled and bodied before you, with you. Come closer. Ask questions. Pass the cream and sugar.

What do you want to know about Phenomenal Touch? Share your experiences of the healing power of touch, as a giver or receiver. Do you have an outrageous massage story to share? Really this is wide open. Any comment coming from love is welcome here. I'll invite my teachers and classmates to join us here and speak here too.  

Take a moment to look at the Institute for Phenomenal Touch Massage website so you can see a bit of what it looks like. Can I warm your mug for you?
