This weekend I attended a symposium called Awakening the Dreamer, an initiative of the Pachamama Alliance. It’s purpose is to help people on Earth recognize that we are living in a cultural trance that is damaging the earth, and has consequences for our fellow creatures, and future generations. It also helps us begin the process of changing our collective dream into one that promotes an “enviromentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on the planet.” One exercise had us imagine a conversation with our great, great grandchildren, in which we answered their question: “When the Earth was in crisis, what did you do to change things?”
Here is my answer:
I helped men and women learn about their bodies, and remember how to feel the power of their sexual energy again. I showed them how to listen to their bodies and trust the wisdom of Penis and Vulva, that contrary to what they’d been taught, their sex organs, arousal, desire were telling them the truth. Through their awakened sexual natures, they were receiving divine guidance and wisdom they could trust.
I helped men remember that they are KINGS, protectors and lovers of the earth and the feminine. They put down their guns and their balance sheets, and stopped believing that power meant domination. They remembered how to feel their power coursing within their bodies, minds, spirits, and hearts. They ceased to fear the Feminine, and Nature and one another. They ceased to fear Change.
I help women remember that they are DIVAS, powerful keepers of knowledge and wisdom. I showed them not to fear their rage, or turn it against themselves, or men. I showed them how to transmute rage into orgasmic power in the circle of women, and use it to heal themselves, men, the earth. They ceased to fear the Masculine, and Nature and one another. They ceased to fear Change.
The men and women I taught began to work together in ways not seen in remembered history. They learned the healing power of singing, dancing, and orgasm. They remembered how to work intimately with the healing powers of the earth. They embraced their freedom and taught your parents and grandparents to be free. They had the courage necessary to face the crisis, to survive and thrive through the hard times. They let the earth teach them. They let you, the young ones, teach them, even before you were born.
Yes, children, I did important work when the earth and humanity was in crisis. I was misunderstood and sometime I was afraid. But I knew that helping people heal their sexuality was the only way to change the dream. Only orgasmic energy could generate enough power and bliss and liberation to awaken us from the trance that we are separate, that life is limited, that suffering is necessary, and our fellow humans are our enemy and threaten our survival. Only orgasmic energy could overcome our fear of death. Only orgasmic energy could imagine YOU, and keep a promise to you that you shall have an earth home and a life here too.
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