Something great is calling you, but you can't pause to listen.
You can't get traction on your dreams because the demands of others are sucking you dry.
You Are FED UP! You are DONE with settling for ~
bad or boring sex
unfulfilling, unsupportive relationships
not being listened to or heard
settling for less in love, sex, money, and influence
feeling that you don't matter
choking back the truth that burns on your lips because it has never been safe to speak the truth
You are fed up and you are not going to settle anymore!
You are not going to die with your truth unborn inside of you.
If you feel yourself in these words, then you are in the right place!
Shedding your old self so that you can express your true self is not a journey to take alone.
It can feel like a death, one that is necessary before new birth.
Both death and rebirth require a midwife, a doula, and a circle of support.
I invite you to step into the temple of your Self, and see what revelations await you!
The Keys to the Temple Courtyard are HERE:
Sex, Wealth, and Voice: Unlock Your Divine Feminine Power
Are you hungry for a deeper dive?
Discover what messages the Goddess has for you in your Divine Feminine Astrology Reading!
Your birth chart of the Goddess planets
provides insight about where you feel blocked or wounded,
and reveals where your resources and gifts are for healing, transformation, and life purpose.
Now I invite you to step onto the front porch of the Temple!
CLICK HERE for more information
and to order your private healing session Divine Feminine Astrology Reading with Diva Carla.